Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Is It About 20-Somethings Article Summary

This article by Robin Marantz Henig is basically about how young people are taking longer to go into adult life. In the 1960's and 1970's people would've been done with school, moved out with a stable job and would've got married and had children in their twenties. This is all according to what sociologists call the traditional milestones. Today all the milestones are completed when  a person is in their thirties or forties or the milestones are completed in different orders for example many people nowadays have kids before they get married.

Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is a psychology professor that is in this article who explains what could be the reason that is happening with the recent generation of young people. He explains that today more education is required to have a good job in this society. Today young people are more insecure about their future and both men and women have more opportunities meaning there are more choices to make. Another reason could be that some parents don't want their children to grow up or to not grow up so fast so they help to with their problems and decisions and when its the child's turn to decide alone they can't. In the midst of all this Professor Arnett says that there are still some young people who are forced to grow up fast because they don't think out their actions and make the first decision in that comes in their mind.

Therefore this situation might no be that bad. Young people now have more time to think about their future instead of rushing into it. I personally think that its good that this is happening because I know people who wouldv'e benefited from thinking before acting so in the future there might be some good coming out of all this as Professor Arnett says.

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