Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Media Made Me Do It

12:00 Class
The Media Made Me Do It
 Media doesn’t really affect the things I buy as a consumer. Ads and commercials are seen in the internet, magazines, newspapers, and in television. I don’t really pay attention to commercials. I still like to know what products come out and their function but I rarely buy them just because of a commercial. The first thing I wonder when I see ads is if it is actually worth it buying their products. Sometimes products come out that do something and claim that it will make your life easier but in my opinion those are huge waste of money. Sometimes products come out that do something and claim that it will make your life easier but in my opinion those are huge waste of money. For example I recently saw a commercial for a product that makes cracking eggs easier. If you are good at cracking eggs open already or if you don’t mind getting a small fragment in your cooking then this product is a waste of money. Commercials such as these talk about all negative things that could happen and then they present the solution which is the product being advertised. The media sometimes uses elements that relate to the consumer to get them to but their item. Products such as Proactiv use celebrities to show that the acne cleaning product works. The consumer relates to them and are tempted to buy it. I myself wanted to buy when I was in high school however I was told by friends that used Proactiv that it didn’t work for them so I didn’t buy it. In commercials for Alcoholic beverages or cigarettes you usually see a group of people having a good time with beautiful women and the consumer sees this and wants the same thing so they buy it. Some products do catch my eye yet I still don’t buy them either because I know it is expensive or I’m comfortable with what I have. The only type of media I pay a lot of attention is the news. This sometimes does affect my opinion on things specifically on political issues. Apart from that I like to be informed of what is going on in the world.

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