Thursday, December 9, 2010

Self Evaluation

               Throughout the semester I fell as if I improved a great deal in my writing. In high school you could get away with a mediocre essay, however when you in college there are higher expectations to meet therefore you have to step up your game a little which is what I did. When it came to writing essays I always took hours to write mine because it was hard for me to start an introduction and then put the rest together. Still I always put a lot of effort in my writings and honestly I thought that English class would be one of the courses I would be having more trouble in but apparently this is one of two other courses in which I’m doing pretty good in. My way of thinking also changed. I tend to come up with ideas faster than before and now since the introduction is still a little difficult for me I sometimes write the rest of an essay and do the intro last and then make some necessary changes. I think I deserve a grade in the B range because I did all most of the blogs and came to class everyday but one. I also received good grades on my projects. I could have improved in this class more by posting some of my blogs on time or writing them with the five hundred words that was being asked for.

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