Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Self Society Portraits

          Everyone has hopes and dreams and its important to never give up in what you plan to accomplish. I was born and raised in New York and I enjoy living here. I have my own vision of my future. Currently I want to major in as a Physician Assistance however I always also wanted to be in the music business. I plan to go to some music school to learn about music production and how to use some of the equipment needed. Anybody who knows how to work the equipment and has a good ear for music can become a producer so I don’t even mind if I become a small-time producer. It takes a lot of luck and talent to make it to the top so I just want it as a side job from a Physician Assistant, kind of like a hobby. If I get a big break and start working for a famous record company then lucky me, if not it’s okay at least I’ll be doing what I enjoy.
                More than once have I heard that the PA program is very competitive so currently I’m wondering just how hard the work could get. I’m a very determined person but at the same time I’m a little impatient. I do everything that I say I’m going to do and its hard for me to get something out of my mind if its unfinished so I know that I’ll always try my best to do all my work. I learn quickly in math and science courses however I’ve always had a little trouble writing especially about myself.  I’ve always had a passion for Latin music and medicine which is why I decided to do what I said. Money is hard to come by these days so its good to pick a career that you enjoy and at the same time has decent pay. My family isn’t the wealthiest in the world and financial problems are common so I consider it a miracle to have made it in such an expensive yet good university. My parents who have worked hard most of their life always tell me to work hard first and then enjoy the rest of your life and that’s what I plan to do.
                I believe that keeping you grades up is a bigger challenge than getting them up. You can’t get too overconfident once your grades are high which is something that happened to me often in high school so I’m trying to stop that.  I made a promise to myself that one day I’ll be successful and help them financially as my thanks for all the love and support that they have given all my life. If I complete this then I’ll be one of the few in my family that went to college and got a career.  This promise is the thing that motivates me when I get I stuck in some kind of problem and helps me move on. I try to find solutions to all my problems quickly because I don’t like being stressed and worried about things that aren’t  a big obstacle in one’s life so I I’m usually a calm, relaxed guy.

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